

Photoamendment 1 - Freedom of Photoreligion and Photoexpression
The right of the photographers to worship deceased Master Photographers (Henri-Cartier Bresson, André Kertész, Garry Winogrand etc.) and to express him/herself through photography in terms of fine art.

Photoamendment 2 - Right to Bear Photocameras
The right of the photographers to possess a photo camera, analogue or digital.

Photoamendment 3 - Frame, Focal Length & Size
§3.1 Photographs are strictly limited to 2/3 or 4/3 frame only. Random croppping is inappropriate and is being ostracized.
§3.2 Focal length may range between 28 and 70mm. Super wide angle (e.g. fisheye), extreme zoom or other peculiar lenses are prohibited.
§3.3 Small compact cameras and DSLRs with logical size lenses are accepted. Enormously big lenses for owner's self-approval are not welcome.

Photoamendment 4 - RGB
Both color and black & white photography are permitted.

Photoamendment 5 - Processing
Photographs can be processed (in Photoshop, Corel Paintshop etc.) only in the same extent they were previously processed, during the stone-age analogue era, in the dark chamber.

Photoamendment 6 - Fotografía pura (1)
Photographs must be characterized by simplicity and clarity. Brief (condemnatory) procedures will be enacted for "Sudoku-photos". (2)

Photoamendment 7 - Criticism
The right of the photographers to judge and be judged, using analysis and evaluation, for their own photographs or photographs of others. Criticism as major means of improvement must be sincere with good intentions.

(1) À la manière de la poésie pure

(2) Sudoku photography is a newly developped tension of photographing reality (treating it like a partial differential equation) according which one must search thoroughly the entire frame of a photo in order to dig up for hidden elements (such as faces, dogs, road signs etc), sometimes being forced to magnify the photo several times! Dark background or out of focus shots is a common element of sudoku photos.