The Team

(Φωτομερκούτιος Καλαχάρης)
Activities - Living with the rest of the herd in underground networks (= modern cities) that we never stop digging. Chasing (= photographing) during daytime we are known for our team spirit.
Interests - Drinking colorful cocktails while sitting in luxuries chaises longues.
Favorite Music - The female call for reproduction.
Favorite Books - Photography for dummies.
Decorations - Iron cross (2nd order) of photography.

(Ρυνοκεράτιος Νταλής)
Activities - Shooting photos like G.W-manic on Streets (i.e. the living theatre of everyday life bla bla bla...). Digital small-brain mammal with big horn!
Interests - How the photohel I will obtain a good mirrorless camera.
Favorite Music - Following Photomeerkats' chaises longues, I would say I am a devoted follower of Lounge music (played in western European caféterias) and New Wave sounds.
Favorite Books - 'Rhinocerose' by Eugène Ionesco (theatre of the absurd...)
Decorations - Purple heart of street photography.